
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Thursday's Catch: A Cautionary Tale and More

I Preached Where the Worship Leader Sang and Now I Have Covid

Josh Laxton offers some cautions about COVID-19 and church. Read More
While Josh Laxton makes a number of good suggestions, he overlooks an important one--opting for a temporary moratorium on all singing. Singing is preference, not a necessity. What I have noticed underlying the argument made for singing despite the COVID-19 transmission risks is a legalistic view of the Christian faith, a view that emphasizes law over grace.
A Pastor's Ultimate Accountability

We are responsible for the souls of God’s people on behalf of Jesus. Hence, it is Jesus alone who will evaluate and determine our faithfulness to this task he has given us. Read More

Christian Colleges: God Wants You to Wear a Mask to Class

With new campus covenants, dozens of evangelical schools are extending calls to “love your neighbor” to apply to a range of coronavirus safeguards. Read More

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