
Monday, August 17, 2020

Monday's Catch: "Why Faith Church Listens to the Health Department" and More

Why Faith Church Listens to the Health Department

This essay is not intended to be a shot over anyone else’s bow. Each church and elder team serve the Lord in a unique community and cultural setting. What works in mid-central Indiana may not work in, well, you fill in the blank. Plus, judging the servant of another is a patently unbiblical thing to do (Romans 14:4). Read More

Five Ways Churches Will Have Changed One Year From Now

I am not prophetic. And if I am prescient, it’s only because I have the incredible vantage point of hearing from tens of thousands of church leaders every year. While it is admittedly difficult to project trends in typical times, it is exceedingly difficult to do so in a time of pandemic headed for, hopefully, a post-quarantine era. Because we hear from so many church leaders and church members, allow me to venture where local churches will be in one year. Read More

How Churchgoers Want Their Churches to Operate during COVID-19 

Pastors and church leaders say they are struggling with making reopening decisions because of the divides within their congregation, according to LifeWay Research. A new Pew Research study found churchgoers opinions on what churches should be doing mostly lines up with what their church is currently doing. Read More

5 Ways to Reach People Who Have Not Returned to Church

Online worship and Zoom Bible study groups have been a lifesaver for churches during COVID-19. People have been able to worship together even though they were apart, and Bible study groups have continued to meet in a virtual environment. Read More
Unless a church that has returned to its building addresses the safety concerns and needs of those who have not returned, any attempt to re-engage them that entails their return to the building will not work.  Church leaders and church members who dismiss their safety concerns and needs and flout public health guidelines eventually may prove to be a liability to the church.
A Biblical Case for Women Leading and Teaching

The case must be made biblically or many simply won’t accept the argument. So Graham Hill, in his new book Holding Up Half the Sky, has a long chapter going through the biblical case for women teaching and preaching and leading. Here is his summary.... Read More
A new book in the ongoing debate over women in teaching, preaching, and leadership roles in the church.
3 Traits of a Transformational Kids Ministry

Here are three attributes to help you build your kids ministry on an unshakable foundation that will hold strong no matter what circumstances arise, so you can lead with confidence, even in uncertain times. Read More

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