
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: "Easy Evangelical Answers to the Anglican Anomaly" and More

Easy Evangelical Answers to the Anglican Anomaly

Canadian Evangelicals often see a large gap between Anglicanism and Evangelicalism. Many of my friends have asked me how an Evangelical “Bible-guy” like me can settle for Anglicanism, and I have had the pleasure of attempting to bridge that gap. I would like to offer a very brief, beginner-level, and Bible-based answers to show that Anglicanism is rooted in and reformed by God’s Word written, and therefore compatible with the main thrust of Evangelicalism. Read More
Authentic historic Anglicanism is Protestant, Reformed, and evangelical. With the Oxford Movement and the Catholic Revival in the nineteenth century and Catholic Modernism and the Ancient-Future Church Movement in the twentieth century, however, the beliefs and practices of various forms of Anglo-Catholicism have become associated in the public mind with the word "Anglican." Those who are genuinely Anglican in their beliefs and practices must constantly confront this misperception of Anglicanism. Since the misperception of Anglicanism as unreformed Catholic is often reinforced by the governing documents and doctrinal statements of a number of North American ecclesial bodies that identify themselves as "Anglican," a pressing need exists for the formation of a North American ecclesial body that is genuinely Anglican. The latest addition to North American self-identified "Anglican" ecclesial bodies--the Anglican Church in North America--falls far short in this regard.
The Quiet Church-Planting Movement in the Global South

What its surge tells us about what multiplying churches can do. Read More

South Korean Officials Want 4,000 Church Members to Quarantine

After being widely praised for containing COVID-19 without locking down, South Korea is facing what could be the worst outbreak the country has seen since the pandemic began. Monday was the fourth day in a row South Korea coronavirus cases spiked to the triple digits, with the largest cluster of new cases tied to Sarang Jeil Church. Read More

It’s Not Enough to Broadcast a Service. Churches Need to Foster Community.

What pastors can learn from plummeting online attendance. Read More

Crisis Leadership from a Christian Perspective: When Crisis Hits

Practical leadership strategies to weather the storm of a crisis. Read More

Practicing Biblical Equality in the Church

Graham Hill gives fifteen practices for greater equality in the church. Read More
This is a follow-up article to the book review that I posted yesterday.
Are Churches Losing the Battle to Form Christians?

Among the many ways 2020 has been punishing for pastors, one of the most disheartening is the way COVID-19 has further accelerated the already troubling tendency of Christians being shaped more by online life and its partisan ideological ecosystem than by church life and its formational practices. Read More

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