
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Thursday's Catch: The Post-Virus Church and More

The Post-Virus Church

Most churches have at least temporarily adapted to COVID-19 restrictions, and the conversation among church leaders has moved on to ponder what the church and its ministries might look like after the restrictions are lifted (or at least eased). My concern is that most churches are asking good questions … but in the wrong order. Read More
This article is the latest article in Outreach Magazine's The New Future of the Church series
3 Essentials For Reaching the College Campus Amid Cultural Tensions

ollege campuses are going to look dramatically different this upcoming school year. As someone who leads in a college ministry, it’s daunting to consider the many restrictions we’ll have to deal with as we seek to make disciples on college campuses in the middle of a pandemic. Not only will things not be business as usual, there are varying and passionate opinions on how virus mitigation should be treated. But COVID-related restrictions aren’t the only thing college ministry leaders will have to face in the weeks and months to come. Read More

Stuck in a Spiritual Rut? Neuroscience Might Have the Answer.

How better understanding our brains can help us grow in conformity to Christ. Read More

3 Apologetic Approaches to Reach the Next Generation

Traditional apologetics has typically followed intellectual arguments that give evidence of God’s existence. Many of these arguments are sound and necessary to reveal the reality of Christianity, but what if people’s objections to Christianity aren’t primarily about its reality? This is the state the current generation finds itself in. In order to winsomely evangelize the upcoming generation, the following three apologetic approaches must be given more careful attention. Read More

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