
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Wednesday Catch: Downsides of Going Back to "Normal" and More

Why Going Back to "Normal" Church Seems So Compelling and Can Be So Dangerous

Why is it most church leaders seem to want to re-open, go back to normal and resume where they left off? What are the downsides of returning back to “normal”? Is it possibly dangerous to the future of your mission? Understanding the answers to these questions for yourself can help you probe the real reasons for your behaviour and longings.... And, once you see the reasons, you can adjust your approach accordingly, hopefully toward a stronger future. Read More

7 Ways to Build Teams of Great Leaders

You can find the future from where you are in the present. You have to. It’s the only way forward. Read More

Zoom Meetings Are Here To Stay: Tips For Great Zooming

This IS NOT going to be a textbook on how to use Zoom. I’m certain you can Google or search on YouTube and find something better than what I’m going to share. I just have a platform and a few readers, so I thought I’d share some thoughts from my experience. I hope it’s helpful. Read More

Preserving Our Body and Bodies for Worship

Has online worship acclimated us to our screens, or can we get physical again? Read More

How God Helps Us Pray According to His Will

To pray the Bible, you simply go through a passage line by line, talking to God about whatever comes to mind as you read the text. See how easy that is? Anyone can do that. If you don’t understand the meaning of a verse, go on to the next verse. If the meaning of that one is perfectly clear but nothing comes to mind to pray about, go on to the next verse. Just speak to the Lord about everything that occurs to you as you slowly read his word. You do this even if—and this can be easily misunderstood—even if what comes to mind has nothing to do with the text. Read More

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