
Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Tuesday's Catch: Truth-Telling and More

The Cost of Telling the Truth in a World of Lies

“What is the cost of lies? It is not that we’ll mistake them for the truth. The real danger is that if we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize the truth at all.” Read More

Cultivating Christlike Virtue in a Virtue-Signaling Age

In You Are What You Love, James K. A. Smith critiques American evangelicalism for equating knowledge with spiritual maturity. What we think is often prized above all, leading to “bobblehead Christianity.” Like the guy at the gym with big biceps and tiny calves, though, when we have inflated heads and shriveled hearts, our spiritual training needs correction. Read More

N. T. Wright: The Pandemic Should Make Us Humble—and Relentlessly Practical

We can’t know for sure why it’s happening or how to stop it. But Scripture calls us to grieve with God’s Spirit and get to work serving others. Read More

You Can Tell The Story, But Preach The Points

Stories are powerful, but how do we make the points of our sermon while keeping the integrity of the Bible story that we are preaching? Read More

What You Need to Know About TikTok

The TikTok Revolution is here! Church, in case you haven’t heard, the No. 1 downloaded iOS App is TikTok. Never heard of it? I bet your kids have. TikTok is taking Gen Z by storm. A few churches have been experimenting, successfully I might add, with the idea of moving their church ministry to TikTok. Read More

Brethren Against Brethren: LGBT Fight Divides Peace Church

Departing congregations want stricter enforcement of official positions. Read More

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