
Wednesday, August 05, 2020

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (August 5, 2020) Now Online

I have posted All Hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (August 5, 2020) on the All Hallows Murray weblog.

The Phos hilaron is Carl P. Daw Jr.’s metrical version of the ancient lamp-lighting hymn, “O Light Whose Splendor Thrills and Gladdens.” The choral setting was composed and arranged by David Ashley White.

The penitential evening psalm is a metrical version of Psalm 141 from the Bay Psalm Book. The Bay Psalm Book was published in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1640. It is the first book printed in British North America, the first book written in British North America, and the first book printed in English in the New World. It was produced just twenty years after the Pilgrims arrived at Plymouth, Massachusetts. The setting is taken from the Sacred Harp shape note hymnal and was arranged for SATB choir by Will Chiles.

The variable psalm is Isaac Watt's metrical version of Psalm 23, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need.” The tune is RESIGNATION, composed by William Walker. It comes from the Southern Harmony shape note hymnal. It was arranged by J. David Moore for four male voices.

The Magnificat is Carl P. Daw Jr.’s metrical version of the canticle, "My Soul Proclaims with Wonder." The lyrics have been slightly altered from those originally published in A Year of Grace: Hymns for the Church Year (1990) and To Sing God's Praise: 18 Metrical Canticles (1992). The choral setting was composed and arranged by David Ashely White.

The reading is Ephesians 5:1-2.

The homily is titled, “Live in Love,” and echoes Paul’s urging to live as children of light.

The dismissal hymn is Robert Lowry’s hymn “My Life Flows on in Endless Song,” set to the tune HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING, also composed by Lowry.

The link to the service is:

Please share this link with anyone whom you think will benefit from this service.

I hope that this service will be a blessing to you and those with whom you share the link.

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