
Thursday, September 03, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Praying against the Coronavirus and More

Praying Against the Coronavirus

Prayer still remains our strongest and most powerful weapon against this world pandemic. Read More
We should do all that we can do humanly possible to contain the pandemic while at the same time praying for divine intervention. Some of us may believe that the only appropriate way for God to intervene is with a miracle. In fact, we will go as far as insisting that he must intervene that way. But if we recognize the sovereignty of God, we also recognize that he may intervene in any way that he chooses, including through our own efforts. Indeed it is God's grace that enables us to do what little we are doing to check the virus. It is presumptuous for us to insist that he act only in a miraculous fashion. Unfortunately we have a long history of telling God how he should accomplish what we desire. One has only to look at the epicleses of the eucharistic prayers in the more recent Anglican service books, for example.
Latin American Pastors Kept Ministering During COVID-19. Now More Than 100 Have Died.

With mixed messages from leaders, evangelicals in Nicaragua and Bolivia have been especially hard-hit by the pandemic. Read More

Are Christians More Confident in Politics Than in Christ?

Just as the pandemic has exacerbated the problem of Christians being more shaped by online pundits than in-the-flesh pastors, it has also intensified political tribalism. With few places to converse other than our online communities, the levels of vitriol and contempt have risen to insufferable levels. Read More
I fear that politics has taken the place in the heart of a growing number of Christians, which rightfully is Christ's. Politics has become the idol before whom they bow down and to whom they offer sacrifices. I have come to believe that the events of the day are God's way of testing our faithfulness to Jesus and to his teaching and example. The life of discipleship to which Jesus calls us is not the property of one political party. Indeed it is not the property of any political party. In Psalm 146: 3-5 God warns us against putting our trust in political leaders instead of him.
Will People Leave Your Church Over Politics?

The new reason people are leaving churches today is American politics. It’s not necessarily about the pastor being too political, as would be the common claim before our current political climate. Today’s criticism is more focused on what the pastor is not. This usually takes form in two different outrages.... Read More

Free Audiobook: How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?

How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics? offers six practical recommendations for Christians who are divided on political issues. Authors Jonathan Leeman and Andy Naselli propose that Christians should learn how to disagree on many such issues with a spirit of gracious understanding by recognizing the importance of what binds us together as a local church body. Learn More
I have not listened to this audiobook so I cannot offer an opinion on its contents. I am posting a link to the article about it because the divisions politics is creating in American churches has become a serious problem and is interfering with their God-given mission to spread the gospel and to make disciples.
Are You Driving Home the Right Sermon Points?

When we use preach and exposit the word of God we need to not be content to say something once and then move on. The legendary professor Haddon Robinson said, “To nail a truth into the mind requires that it be hit several times.” Read More

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