
Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: Infusion and Imputation and More

Infusion and Imputation: An Introduction

How we understand salvation matters. As such, it is worth considering at-length the difference between Catholic and Reformed views of justification. There is much ground to cover, so we would best begin with a quick summary. Read More

Justification: The Roman Catholic View

In response to the challenges posed by the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church called its 19th ecumenical council in the city of Trento in modern day Italy. Held in three parts from 1545 to 1563, it is commonly known in English as the Council of Trent and was one of the most important developments in what is popularly but perhaps poorly titled the Counter-Reformation. One of the key tasks for this council was to define the Catholic doctrine of justification in response to Protestant challenges. This they did in a series of decrees and canons. Read More
I will post links to the articles in this series as they are posted online. If you have read C. S. Lewis' The Voyage of the Storm Treader in his Narnia Chronicles you may have noted the similarity between the Roman Catholic view of grace and virtue and the fire berry that the birds of the sun brought to the retired star and which burned away his old age and restored his youth so that eventually he would once more tread the heavens in the great dance. Coincidence? Perhaps. C. S. Lewis, beloved of evangelicals, was an Anglo-Catholic.
How to Preach When Your Congregation Is Online and In-Person

Having written already about preaching to a camera alone at the beginning of quarantine, I hope to share some of what my team has learned now in this present awkwardness as we film a sermon during the week for online viewers and then preach the same sermon to those who reserve spots in our limited outdoor services. Read More

4 Critical Pointers for Preaching to a Camera in an Empty Room

For the pastor uninitiated in the realm of online preaching, here are some lessons learned from extensive live and pre-recorded online preaching followed by some quick production pointers. Read More

The Bible Was Not Written To You

Without context a message can be confusing, or even detrimental. This is true for the Bible also. Many times, we read the Bible looking for what it means for me, how it applies to me and how I can benefit from it in my present life circumstances. The problem with reading the Bible this way is that the Bible was not written for you. Read More

A Conversation with the Bible

How is it possible for me to make the claim that the Bible has everything to do with the personal life of the Jesus follower and that the Bible was not written to you? These two claims are not contrary to one another. They are both true. Claiming that the Bible was not written for you and that context is key for interpretation and understanding is not claiming that the Bible cannot speak to you. What if we read the Bible in its context and we read the Bible looking for God’s message to us in it? What if we allowed both to be true? Read More

3 Ways to Connect With Gamers in Your Youth Group

This is a significant moment for video games and those who are connected to gaming culture. Before we get any further, if you find yourself thinking, Is there such a thing as a “significant moment” for video games?, then I hope to convince you of the importance of understanding gaming culture as a student pastor, parent, or youth worker. Read More
I am not into video games but I know a lot of people who are and not just young people. Of my extended family and relatives, I am the only person who is not a gamer. While I am not a gamer, I believe that it is important to understand gaming culture if we want to reach the gamers in our lives.
A Simple Way to Start Doing Evangelism in Your Life

Chuck Lawless offers a simple basic step that can make a difference in our evangelistic efforts. Read More

Pew Research: 46% of US Evangelicals OK with Premarital Sex in a Committed Relationship

Given the Bible’s teaching on premarital sex, a new survey from Pew Research Center has concerning news for church leaders. A majority of American adults who identify as Christian see no problem with having sex outside of marriage, particularly if two people are in a committed relationship. Read More

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