
Monday, October 05, 2020

Monday's Catch: CDC Acknowledges Airborne Transmission of COVID-19 and More

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention acknowledged Monday that people can sometimes become infected with the coronavirus through airborne transmission, especially in enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation. Read More

I Can Pray Heartily for the President and Still Hold Him Accountable

How Trump’s illness has (and hasn’t) changed the way I intercede for leaders. Read More

Preacher, Watch Your Tone in the Pulpit

The orality of preaching make it a more powerful medium than writing. Read More

Decentralized Worship

Worship isn’t just our response to God’s revelation through the songs we sing on Sunday, it’s also our response through the rhythms and harmonies of life on Monday. So, if we learned anything through this season of scattered and regathered worship it was the necessity of focusing more on decentralizing our worship. Read More

Being a “Gospel Above All” Christian in Your Approach to Social Media

What do we mean when we say “gospel above all”? Is that another way of saying “just preach Jesus” and avoiding the messy and uncomfortable conversations about injustice? Read More

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