
Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Tuesday' Catch: How Do Pandemics End and More

We are in the grip of a pandemic like none other in living memory. While people are pinning their hopes on a vaccine to wipe it out, the fact is most of the infections faced by our ancestors are still with us. Read More

How to Avoid Germs in Public Restrooms During the Pandemic

What to know about things like toilet plume and ventilation. Read More
An early Chinese study into how COVID-19 is transmitted in hospital settings found the highest concentrations of COVID-19 virus particles in the bathrooms of COVID-19 patients. This was attributed to poor ventilation in an an enclosed space and the patients' shedding of COVID-19 virus particles when they defecate or urinate. Since that time further research has been done into COVID-19 transmission risks in public restrooms and shared bathrooms such as in university residence halls and military barracks. This research points to the significant logistical challenges that churches face in making their restrooms safe for church members, staff, and guests.
8 Theological Terms Everyone in Your Church Should Know

Theological instruction within discipleship relationships should be an emphasis within our churches, seeking to build doctrinally sound followers of Christ who both know God rightly and worship God rightly. Read More

At 94, He’s ‘Mr. Music of United Methodism’

The Rev. Carlton R. “Sam” Young is, at 94, still composing and arranging music. Editor of The Methodist Hymnal (1966) and The United Methodist Hymnal (1989), he’s out with a new collection of sheet music called “Today I Live: Hymns and Songs of Remembrance and Hope.” Read More

Watch Those Calories! A Digital Diet for Mental Health

Pandemic lockdowns have increased anxiety catalysts such as loneliness, instability, and unpredictability. But digital-media consumption has also increased on a number of fronts, with a major uptick in social media especially. Apart from media overuse causing information overload and hyperstimulation of our brains, there’s also the mental and emotional effect of fear-filled news and social-media conflicts over how best to respond to the pandemic. When you combine these increases with decreases in exercise, sleep, social contact, money, hope, and control, we’ve got a long-term mental-health disaster on our hands. Read More

Two Invisible Enemies: How Satan Might Use a Pandemic

he COVID-19 pandemic has made us a hyper-vigilant society. Some people live like this all the time if they have severe allergies or chronic conditions. But for most of us, our busy lives keep us happily distracted. Maybe this is the first opportunity you’ve had in a long time to give careful thought to your behaviour and habits. Read More

Full Communion with Episcopalians Delayed

Citing the pandemic’s ongoing threat, United Methodists and Episcopalians have put plans for full communion between their two denominations on hold for now. Leaders of both denominations initially had expected to take up a proposed full-communion agreement when their top decision-making bodies each met this year and next. Read More
Also see "Full Communion with United Methodist Church to be delayed due to 'disruptions of our official decision making bodies'"

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