
Thursday, November 05, 2020

A Word of Warning to US Christians


A so-called “conservative Christian” Facebook page that is connected to a defunct website and which churn out false reports of election irregularities and other disinformation is not genuinely Christian. The Holy Scriptures teach that bearing false witness is a sin and lying is an abomination to God. The Holy Scriptures tell us that liars will have no place in the new heaven and the new earth and will be cast into the lake of fire with the devil and his angels. They will suffer the “second death” and will be cut off from God for all eternity. 

Genuine Christians who accept the Holy Scriptures as God’ Word and follow the teaching and example of the Lord Jesus Christ would not do such a thing. On the other hand, foreign actors seeking to further divide the United States, stir up rebellion and violent unrest and thereby weaken the nation would do exactly that.

Whoever is behind the Facebook page is using the term “conservative Christian” to cynically manipulate Christians who may have voted for Donald Trump. Christians need to use discernment regarding any claims that are made on social media like Facebook and Twitter. The claims of election fraud and the like have repeatedly been shown to be baseless and without merit. Foreign actors are using such claims on social media to promote the political and economic dislocation of the United States. They are engaged in a relentless propaganda war to undermine the United State. 

Gullible Christians are unfortunately falling for their disinformation. They are not only becoming the unwitting accomplices of these foreign actors, but they are also damaging the reputation of US Christians. By contributing to the further political polarization of the United States, they are making the task of evangelizing the nation more difficult.

The outcome of Tuesday’s election is in God’s hands. God’s ways are not our ways. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. We should not presume because God might permit a candidate to win one election, he will permit them to win a subsequent election. As for prophecies about a candidate we should remember that the Holy Scriptures tell us that prophesy is subject to the will of the prophet.

The Holy Scriptures warn us not to put our trust in human leaders, mortals like ourselves whose plans die with them. 

The Holy Scriptures tell us that people of Israel clamored for an earthly ruler. God gave them a king but having a king did not prove a blessing for them. They turned away from God. They worshiped other gods. They sacrificed their children to idols. The foreign princes with whom they made alliances failed them. The kingdom of Israel would be split into two kingdoms. A foreign people would occupy the northern kingdom and the people of the southern kingdom would be taken into captivity. They would put to death their one true King, Jesus, the Son of God incarnate. 

God may use unregenerate men to accomplish his will. He also may use them as a judgment upon a nation.

Those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior have no need of a king. They have Jesus. He is their one true King. They should not let anyone else take his place in their hearts. No one.

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