
Friday, November 06, 2020

Friday's Catch: While We Wait....

By all accounts, this has been a strange year. So perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that a presidential election has come (and gone) without us knowing the clear winner. In due time, we will learn the results of yesterday’s vote. Until then, what should Christians do in the upcoming days and weeks? Read More
If you have studied the history of presidential elections as I have, you are not supried by a wait before announcement of a winner of the election. In the past it was a common occurrence. We are also in the midst of a full-blown pandemic. The pandemic is not going to go away after election as someone falsely claimed.
Your Virtual Small Group Can Still Be Vibrant

Becky Kiern and Jenilyn Swett offer suggestions for maintaining a vibrant virtual small-group community. Read More
With the small indoor gatherings implicated in the increased incidences of COVID-19 infection, virtual small groups is the safest option during the fall and winter. In-person small groups are not capable of establishing the multiple levels of intervention needed to reduce COVID-19 transmission risks as has the experiment with social bubbling in the United Kingdom has shown.
The Church’s Social Dilemma

There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software. Read More

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