
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Avoid Traveling for Thanksgiving CDC Warns

Earlier this week I ran across a post in which a woman was arguing that people should ignore the advice of her state's public health authorities about not traveling for Thanksgiving. Her argument was it might be the last time that members of a family would see each other. Yes, I thought to myself, it might be the last time that they would see each other because one or more family members traveled from a state or county with high incidence rate of new COVID-19 cases and infected the other members of the family and one or members might die. Or the state or county where the family was holding its Thanksgiving gathering was a COVID-19 hotspot and the family members from a different state or county might get infected, attending the gathering, and one or more of them might die. 

The safest thing that the family could do is to follow the state's public health authorities' advice, stay home and avoid contact with anyone outside their immediate household. If all the members of the family did that, they would, barring an accident or unexpected illness, be able to see each other for years to come. 

Unfortunately a number of people are adopting a fatalistic view of the COVID-19 coronavirus, disregarding reasonable precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the virus, and endangering others as well as themselves. 

I have posted three links in this post. The first two are to articles concerning the CDC's advice to not travel for Thanksgiving and third is to an article suggesting alternative ways of celebrating Thanksgiving and other holidays. 

To my way thinking, based upon Jesus' teaching and example, wearing a face mask, social distancing, and conforming to other reasonable precautionary measures against the spread of the virus is not a burden or imposition for a Christian but a way of showing one's love for others, not just our family and friends but all people.

CDC urges Americans against traveling for Thanksgiving as coronavirus outbreak worsens
CDC recommends against travel for Thanksgiving
Instead of dinner with family or neighbors, make new plans and traditions this Thanksgiving. We have a few ideas.

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