
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Born for This Generation and More

You were born for THIS generation. For this moment. And there has never been a greater time to be involved in the ministry of sharing Christ and his Kingdom values with the world around you. Read More

How to Reach a Culture Not Interested in the Gospel

It’s time we face the music. That day we’ve heard about … it’s here. Our culture doesn’t care about Jesus. Read More
While we may be tempted to look elsewhere for someone else to blame, one of the main reasons that culture does not care about Jesus is that we have been poor representatives of Jesus. For some people the closest that they will get to meeting Jesus in this life is ourselves. For this reason how well we represent Jesus is critical. Young people are walking away from churches because we do not practice what Jesus taught and modeled. When others hear about their experiences, they ask themselves, "Do I really want to be a part of that? That Jesus fellow does not appear to be making much of a difference in their lives."
17 Reasons American Pastors and Church Leaders Are Asking and Answering All the Wrong Questions

The real problem that is facing the American church, Brian Dodd contends, is one that if we ignore the problem, will lead the church into complete irrelevance. Read More

5 Changes Every Church Must Make Right Now

Every leader must learn to pay attention to the clues of the church culture, the time of year, the finances, the past problems, and the future possibilities in order to know when to accelerate change or slow it down. Read More

The US Will Re-Open to Refugees. Is the U.S. Church Ready?

The church has a tremendous opportunity as refugee resettlement is restored. Read More

Do You Have an Exit Strategy for Families?

One miss many churches make is also having an exit strategy after the service or event. How you make people feel when they are leaving is important.... Read More

God Gave You a Specific Congregation. Preach to Them.

5 keys to effective, locally focused preaching. Read More

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