
Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday's Catch: Church Growth and the Apostle Paul and More

When I was in seminary Church Growth 101 was a required course. I took interest in the whole field and became a student of church growth. I read a pile of books and attended most of the big church growth conferences. Some of the principles I’ve applied have worked. And some have failed royally. When we look at the early church, though, obviously they did something right. They grew exponentially. In this post I suggest 5 church growth essentials from the Apostle Paul that we see from his first missionary journey. Read More

One Verse for Your Church in 2021

As you look to 2021, think about the possibility of one verse or one passage for your church. Here are a few ideas to help you think through what that verse may be.... Read More

Why Church Leaders Should Write More Handwritten Notes

I believe every leader—especially pastors—should write handwritten notes. It’s not just for nostalgia. There are good leadership principles found in a handwritten note. Read More

10 Reasons Church Members Don't Invite Others to Church

Based on my consulting research and interviews, here are 10 reasons church members struggle to invite others.... Read More

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