
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday's Catch: Preach On

Christians believe human beings were created in the image of God. Yet most of us, I would venture to say, have little idea of what that means and why it matters. Read More

Seven Ways To Preach Christ From the Old Testament

It doesn’t take long in a conversation about preaching Christ before someone says “Are you just trying to find Jesus under every rock?” Arguably, the bigger problem in Evangelical preaching is finding no Christ where it turns out Christ was the rock (1 Cor 10:4). Nonetheless, it’s a good question at root: how do we preach Christ in the Old Testament? But there’s a bigger problem at stake. Read More

How Do We Explain the Slaughter of the Canaanites?

Understanding one of the most difficult topics in the Bible. Read More

Sermon Prep for the Non-Vocational Preacher

I work really hard to prepare any sermon or presentation. I’ve never considered myself a natural public speaker, so I don’t wing anything. So what do I do? Today, I thought I’d share a bit about what my current process looks like.... Read More

Preunderstanding and Postmodernism: 3 Principles for Bible Interpretation

In this article and the next two, I offer principles that should guard us from both of these errors. The goal is to become better Bible readers who will not fall prey to philosophies (whether modern or postmodern) that undercut our commitment to the authority of God’s Word. Read More

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