
Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: The Temptation of the Status Quo and More

Ronald Reagan once stated, “Status quo, you know, that is Latin for the mess we’re in.” Most churches (and church leaders) that clamor for the status quo are messes. You don’t often hear of a healthy church championing the status quo. Visionary leaders don’t compel others to stay the same. Read More 

What To Read about Conspiracy Theory

Ihave been doing a lot of thinking and writing about conspiracy theory, and it’s all Carl Trueman’s fault. I got an advance copy of his forthcoming book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self and enjoyed it so much that I decided to go back and read some of his other books. Next on my list was Histories and Fallacies, which concerns historical method. His thoughts on Holocast Denial sparked some questions about conspiracy theory, and from there I was off to the races. A couple of weeks later I had read 7 or 8 books on conspiracy theory and various related topics. It made for a fascinating study. Read More
We are now living in a world in which people would rather believe implausible conspiracy theories than they would face reality. What should concern church leaders is that these conspiracy theories are not only leading the members of their congregations  but also their fellow church leaders away from Jesus and his teaching. A their core conspiracy theories are a collection of lies and half-truths. These lies and half-truths point to one of the culprits behind conspiracy theories, the devil himself, the father of lies. The Christian market needs not only one or more good books on the subject but also books that explore the spiritual warfare dimensions of conspiracy theories.
One in Five COVID Patients Goes on to Develop Mental Illness

For clergy who care for COVID-19 patients in their communities, these findings, as Megan Briggs points out, will likely be of interest to them. As Megan Briggs also observes, "the number of cases in the United States continues to rise at an alarming rate, which means the number of clergy with parishioners who contract COVID-19 or who are caring for a loved one with COVID-19 are likely rising as well." Read More

Half of Pastors Say the Economy Is Hurting Their Churches

After a few years of economic optimism, pastors say the 2020 economy is hurting their congregation. Read More

A.S.K. God for What You Need and Expect Him to Answer!

“So I say to you: ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11:9,10 In this passage, Jesus tells us to pray for what we want and need with expectance. He shows us how to A.S.K. God for what we want and need. Ask. Seek. Knock.
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