
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (December 9, 2020) Is Now Online

During the second week of Advent two candles may be lit on the Advent wreath or candleholder on Wednesday evening. The two candles are lit at the very beginning of the service. Additional candles may be lit during the singing of “Creator of the Stars of Night.” Incense may be burned during the singing of Psalm 141. The sign of the cross may be made at the beginning of the Magnificat. A period of silence may be observed after the service for reflection and prayer. 

The order of service for Wednesday evening is taken from the Anglican Church of Canada’s The Book of Alternative Services (1985) and was chosen for its brevity, simplicity, and adaptability to online use.

The Scripture reading for Wednesday evening’s service is Matthew 25: 1-13. It is the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids.

The title of the homily for Wednesday evening’s service is “Are You Prepared?” Are your ready for the arrival of the Bridegroom?

The link to Wednesday evening’s service is:

Please feel free to share this link with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

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Previous services are online at:

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