
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Wednesday's Catch: How To Engage Your People Online. A 5 Step Digital Framework that Works

How To Engage Your People Online. A 5 Step Digital Framework that Works How can we reverse our decline in digital engagement? Clint Rogers offers a digital framework that he has seen work.

Online Posts Minimize Covid-19’s Deadly Impact in US A number of Facebook posts are repeating misleading information posted on an ostensibly Christian website. This development prompts me to ask, "How much misinformation and disinformation are Christian websites spreading on the internet? Do these websites realize what they are doing is bearing false witness and thereby committing an act of rebellion against God?" The Bible tell us tha God does not look kindly on lying. Christian websites that spread innaccurate or false information are also doing the United States and other countries a great disservice.

How Do We Deal with the End of the World? Many people believe that the COVID-19 pandemic may be a sign of the impending perusia. Jesus, on the other hand, says that wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, and pestilence are merely the birth pangs of the beginning of the end-times. A woman may experience birth pangs long before she gives birth. We should take our cue from what he says about the good slave and the wicked slave and the wise and foolish virgins.

3 Steps to Creating a Culture of Disciple Making in Your Church The advice this article offers is not bad but it does overlook the fact that in the days of Jesus' earthly ministry fishermen did not use a baited hook. They used nets. They did not fish by themselves. They fished as a team. When they caught fish in their net, it took more than one man to haul in the net. They did, however, have an intimate knowledge of the waters in which they fished, where the fish fed, and at what time of day. What insights can we gain from their way of fishing?

Drive-Thru Live Nativities Are Tailor-Made for a COVID-19 Christmas Drive-through live nativities are not entirely risk free. An asymptomatic performer or a performer who has mild symptoms but chooses not to self-isolate can infect the other performers. Ideally the performers should be from the same household or social bubble. If they come from different household and are not a part of the same social buble, they may want to quarantine themselves ahead of time to make sure that they are virus-free and then wear face masks and social distance. The latest CDC recommendations is that people wear face masks at outdoor gatherings if social distancing cannot be maintained. But wearing a mask and social distancing would increase the layers of intervention. They should also don their costumes beforehand at home. To my mind it is better to err on the side of caution than it is to become so caught up in the season's festivities that we lower our guard. We should always bear in mind that, while some people who may become infected with the virus may experience no or mild symptoms, others may develop a more serious case: they may require hospitalization, suffer long-term debilitating effects from the virus or even loose their lives. We should not conclude from the experiences of a handful of people as did the Michigan pastor that the COVID-19 coronavirus is not as dangerous as it has been reported. A village nativity scene like the one shown in the photo is the safest option. 

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