
Friday, December 04, 2020

Friday's Catch: The Dreaded Question and More

The Dreaded Question – Where Did They Go? Have we come to expect the sermon and the weekend service to accomplish far more than they are capable of doing? Allen White believes that most pastors have and offers a number of steps that we can take to rectify it.

Why Did They Leave? Are we driving people away from our churches? Chuck Lawless looks at 10 ways that we may be doing just that.

Are Masks a Conscience Issue? I cannot imagine refusing to wear a face mask for reasons of conscience. But apparently some folks do. Erik Raymond examines the legitimacy of this excuse for not wearing a mask.

How Do You Lead a Team? When your team gets together--online or in person, which leader are you?

Listening to Podcasts Makes Us Better Preachers According to Daniel Darling, this popular audio genre, whether you are a pastor or a lay preacher, can help you fine tune your preparation and delivery.

5 Unintended Consequences of Worshiping from Home Everything has unintended consequences. Worship from home has had some really good ones.

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