
Friday, January 29, 2021

Friday's Catch: Christian Nationalism and the US Captol Riot and More

Christianity on Display at Capitol Riot Sparks New Debate The Chrstian Nationalist view of church and state strongly resembles that of radical Islam and has no basis in Scripture despite the claims of its adherents. In the past similar ideologies have resulted in large-scale persecution and forced conversions by zealots not just of non-Christians but also other Christians. These ideologies are tied to some of the bloodiest pages in Church history.

Our Attraction to Idols Remains the Same, Even When the Names Change How false worship today resembles false worship in the Old Testament.

Is Now the Time for House Churches? In an Anglican context a corresponding question is "Is now the time for lay administration of the sacraments?" As long as the Anglican Church restricts the administration of the sacraments to ordained clergy, house churches are not a viable option for Anglicans.

Should I Plant a House Church? [Podcast] Daniel Im and Ed Stetzer discuss house church planting.

Meet Generation C It may very well be that in years to come we will talk about the generation that follows “Generation Z” as “Generation C” (short for COVID) as a Bank of America Research report suggests. While they won’t remember the pandemic, it is being surmised that they will be distinct from Generation Z in four ways....

How to Create the Perfect Church Website Before your church’s website can even completely load, the average visitor has already formed a first impression. It takes just 50 milliseconds. In a flash, they’ve already decided whether they want to continue engaging with you (through your site) or move on to the next church on their Google search results page.

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