
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thursday's Catch: Where Two or More Are Vaccinated and More

Where Two or More Are Vaccinated: Advice for Churches in 2021 Five science-based suggestions to gather and worship safely as COVID-19 vaccines roll out.

6 Long Term Problems Churches Only Noticed Recently Here are several realities exposed in 2020 that were not simply a function of the year and will need our attention going forward.

Be Reasonable for the Sake of the Gospel The comments of some "Christians" are not only a serious hindrance to the cause of the gospel, they raise questions about whether the individuals who are making the comments are really disciples of Jesus. They show little evidence of having been influenced by Jesus' teaching and example. Since God alone knowns their hearts and therefore we must give them the benefit of the doubt, their public witness to Jesus leaves much to be desired.

New Kentucky Law Seeks to Protect Born-Alive Abortion Survivors For any baby born during an abortion procedure, Kentucky’s Senate Bill 9, requires treatment “as a legal person…with the same rights to medically appropriate and reasonable care and treatment.” A birth certificate must be issued, and parents aren’t held liable for the actions of medical professionals.

How You Can Help Save the Lives of the Unborn Krissie Inserra offers some very good advice. We can also support the pro-life cause by encouraging the US Congress and state legislatures to strengthen the social safety net of the country and the state for pregnant women, mothers, and children. Lack of resources is one of the reason that women may consider an abortion. Being pro-life involves not only protecting the lives of the unborn but also ensuring all the vulnerable have adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and education.

Stop Multitasking: it Makes you Dumber (and 4 Ways to Improve) Multitasking does not help us manage our time better or to become more productive. Earlier research suggests that the human brain is incapable of multitasking--doing several tasks at the same time but jumps from one task to the next and back again.

Catechism Is for College Kids, Too When confronted with challenges from a world tilted against their faith, students can falter.

How Evangelism Is Kind of Like Fishing (Repost) The three fishermen that Jesus called as his disciples did not fish with rod and reel or a cane pole. They rowed their boat where they believed from past experience that they would find fish and cast their nets into the water. Sometimes they returned to shore with a catch of fish; othertimes, an empty boat.

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