
Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Wednesday's Catch: Lessons from Hybrid Youth Ministry and More

Lessons from Hybrid Youth Ministry This fall, we rolled out our teen faith formation/youth ministry/Confirmation prep calendar using what I’ve learned is technically a “concurrent” model: families would opt to have their teens participate in the appropriate gathering either in person or virtually, but both in-person and virtual participants met at the same time. How did it go? Well, here are my big takeaways.

4 Considerations for Christians Wanting to Engage in Political Activism In the wake of the shocking events that took place in Washington last week, here is Murray Campbell’s advice on when (and when not to) get involved in political matters.

When Will Churches Be Back? Vital Information for Churches and Christian Leaders This post is a brief overview of Ed Stetzer's interview with Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health. It contains a link to the full interview.

3 Bioethical Questions about the COVID-19 Vaccines As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in the US expands from health care staff to elderly citizens and essential workers, Americans are weighing whether to get the shot when given the chance. 

Why Pastors Should lead the Way in Praying for the New President I visited the Facebook wall of one pastor, an enthusiastic Trump supporter, who states adamantly that he is not going to pray for President-Elect Biden. The pastor in question believes the false narrative that Trump has spread, in which he claims that the election was stolen from him despite the lack of evidence to support his claim. In this post Trevin Wax reminds us that "praying for our authorities is a demonstration that we belong to a kingdom that transcends the rancor of this present moment."

The Preacher’s Guide to Preparing Sermons With a Team If you’re like most preachers, you prepare alone. The problem is, you are not Moses. You are not an Old Testament prophet. There is nothing requiring you to use this method. I’m not saying God can’t speak to you in your study. You should hear from God as you prepare. If you’ve been preaching for any length of time, you know how exhilarating it is to spend time in prayer and study and hear from God. There is nothing like it. But this should not lead you to think that you must prepare every sermon alone.

How to Go Deep into Bible Study without Getting Lost Whether reading the Bible in your first language or in the original Greek and Hebrew, here are three key ideas that can keep you on the exegetical straight and narrow.

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