
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

9 Ways to Make Social Media More Christian

Remember Emily Post? Her famous rules of etiquette served generations of people needing to know the right way to set a table, proper decorum for houseguests, or the correct titles to use in an invitation.

Alas, there is no Emily Post for social media. Those of us who are non-digital natives and find ourselves immersed in this new social media frontier are thus left to figure out for ourselves the rules of conduct, best manners, and infinite varieties of faux pas to avoid.

I’m no expert on social media (or etiquette), but as a heavy user for years, I’ve observed countless examples of good manners and bad—from both others and myself. Over time, I have begun to develop some of my own rules of conduct and principles of politeness.

Please note that I know little to nothing about the technical side of social media or the tips and strategies that marketing experts suggest as ways to maximize “platform” and “exposure.”

I’m just a person who loves ideas and dialogue—the things that are most human about social media—and who wants to see Christians do more to make social media more human and more Christian. Read More

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