
Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Urgent Prayer Request for Reformation Anglican Church, Gray, Maine

Please pray for Reformation Anglican Church in Gray, Maine, and the church’s pastor, Rick LePage. Reformation Anglican Church is a new church plant. As you may know the Northeast is not any easy mission field to plant a new church in. Like many churches, Reformation Anglican has seen a drop in attendance and giving since the COVID-19 pandemic. Denominations and church networks have also been cutting back on the financial assistance they can offer new plants. Rick is bi-vocational. Today I learned that the folks who have been renting space to Reformation Anglican for its worship gatherings and other meetings have decided to rent the space to a business that plan to convert it into office space. Reformation Anglican is not able to make a counter-offer. Reformation Anglican is now faced with the challenge of finding space for its meetings, which it can afford. and which will be large enough to safely hold its meetings in. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to share this prayer request with others.

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