
Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Wednesday's Catch: Making Disciples Jesus' Way and More

Making Disciples Jesus’ Way he world is changing for the church. Honesty requires us to acknowledge that much of what happens in church does not change lives. Preaching plays an important role, but sermons alone do not change people in deep and lasting ways. Big events can be encouraging, even inspiring, but people need more than what is found in most church programs.

As the culture changes, we are finding it to be harder to lead nonbelievers to Jesus (evangelism) and believers to full obedience (spiritual formation) than it used to be. So how can we be more effective in obeying the Great Commission? Bobby Harrington, CEO of and, shares his thoughts on returning to Jesus’ method of making disciples.

The Vanishing Bible Belt: The Secrets Southern Churches Must Learn to Stay Healthy The Southeast is increasingly trending post-Christian.

Things Believers Do that Make the Unchurched Bristle Here’s some good news: the vast majority of the unchurched are receptive to an invitation to church. The problem is that few active churchgoers reach out to their neighbors and friends.

Most Americans Embrace Religion, Spirituality—Even Atheists More U.S. adults say they are currently atheist or agnostic than who say they grew up that way, but faith and spirituality are present even among non-religious Americans, according to a new study.

Those the World Overlooks, God Sees One challenge that confronts the historian is how to make sense of so many stories in the world left untold, the millions of people whose lives are summed up by dates on weathered gravestones.

What Is Christian Nationalism? An explainer on how the belief differs from other forms of nationalism, patriotism, and Christianity.

Bully Pulpit: A New Series on the Rising Problem of Spiritual Abuse in the Church Bullies don’t just disappear when you graduate from high school. They are still around, though maybe in more subtle form. And, perhaps most sadly, bullies are even in the church. Although we’ve always known this to be the case, the depth of this problem has become more and more evident over the last few years.

From Bible to Sermon: 25 Steps A step-by-step checklist for beginners (or old-hands with bad habits).

8 Spiritual Growth Questions to Ask Small Group Members Whether you find yourself as a small group leader, point person, or pastor, I want to share a few questions that small groups can regularly ask to identify a next steps of spiritual growth....

10 Ways to Really Be More Like Jesus We do not get to pick and choose what we want from the life and teaching of Jesus. We do not stand over it; it stands over us. So, I began to think of my own list: What 10 things are involved in following Jesus that perhaps Jesus followers need to be reminded are part of the package?

Churchgoers Say They Tithe, But Not Always to the Church Most churchgoers say the Bible commands them to give. But their tithes don’t always go in the offering plate.

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