
Saturday, March 06, 2021

5 Sanity-Saving Tips for Seamless Online & in-Person Easter Services

To stream or to gather? Churches in the United States are increasingly answering with a resounding, “Both!” A Faithlife informal poll shows over half of churches are planning to offer in-person and live stream worship for Easter services 2021.

The two-format services have been a blessing to worshipers over the past year, but they can drastically increase the amount of work church staff has to do each week. With Easter just over a month away, what can churches do now to plan for the highest attended service of the year—without working overtime to get it all done? Better yet, how can they still reach visitors who may not want to attend in person?

Here are some ways to make your Easter services cohesive and engaging for everyone—without doubling your workload or losing your mind.... Read More

Also See:
30 Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Holy Week Worship Ideas

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