
Friday, April 23, 2021

3 Truths Pastors Need Today to Stay in Ministry Tomorrow

According to Brian Croft, founder of Practical Shepherding, the above-normal challenges, difficulties, and stressors COVID-19 has caused is prompting some pastors to quit ministry and even some churches to split. Lifeway Research reported in August 2020 that pastors’ top concerns were maintaining unity (27%), pastoral care from a distance (17%), the safety and well-being of members (13%), personal exhaustion (12%), and wisdom and direction (12%).

After a year of constant decision making, enduring harsh criticism for doing too much or not doing enough to address coronavirus issues, the social movements of 2020, and the political culture have just left many pastors exhausted, stressed out, and crippled by decision fatigue.

Yet, despite the challenges every church has faced, God has brought some great things from the past year of crisis. Salvation has come. Families rediscovered each other by spending more time together. Ministries were forced to be innovative and define essentials. Some churches thrived. Some dying churches were revitalized. But even though God has moved, there’s a pretty good chance, as a pastor, you’ve thought about leaving the ministry.

The purpose of this article isn’t to complain, fuel a sense of defeatism, or lament the difficulties of pastoral ministry. The purpose of this article is to keep you in the trenches of pastoral ministry. Read More

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