
Friday, April 23, 2021

3 Questions to Help You Find Your Purpose

If someone were to ask you what your purpose is in life, how would you respond?

I frequently ask this question to people I meet. Their reply often has something to do with being a good spouse, parent, or provider. Sometimes, I get a response like “to get all I can out of life” or “to be successful.” Occasionally, I get one that’s based on being happy or living in peace.

But let’s think about these responses. For the person who says their purpose is to be a good spouse, parent, or provider, what happens if you don’t get the opportunity to be any of these things? Or, what if the role of spouse, parent, or provider is taken from you?

If your purpose is to get all you can out of life or to be successful, how do you measure your performance? How much success do you need to fulfill your purpose? Let’s face it; no matter how much you accomplish, there’s always more you can achieve.

That brings us to the person whose purpose is to be happy and to live in peace with others. Studies have shown that those who seek to always be happy are typically the most unhappy. This is primarily because their eyes are always on the next thing that will bring them happiness, causing them to overlook the current joy in their lives.

When it comes to living in peace, just ask any parent what it’s like to try to maintain peace among siblings. Or think about the conflict brought on by politics and social experiences. Sometimes the attempt to live in peace can be the most frustrating experience one will endure. Read More

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