
Saturday, April 17, 2021

4 Barriers That Keep You From Being a Multi-Directional Leader

In the New Testament, the people of God are described as a flock, and pastors are in the role of shepherds. We’re called to “be on guard” for ourselves and for “all the flock the Holy Spirit has appointed” us as overseers, ready to fend off “savage wolves” (Acts 20:28–29). Faithful shepherds remain alert, ready for battle when wolves invade the field.

But alertness requires the shepherd to remember that dangers creep up on the sheep from multiple directions. For this reason, I encourage pastors and church leaders to develop a sensibility in leadership that I call “multi-directional,” which I contrast with the more common (and less effective) “one-directional” leadership. Read More

Also See:
What to Do When You’ve Lost Your Confidence as a Leader
Ministry, Personal Limits, and Saying “No”

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