
Friday, April 23, 2021

The Myth of the ‘Undeserving’ Poor

My neighbors were evicted yesterday.

I came home to find their worldly belongings - a couple of dirty sheets, a filthy pink pillow and assorted clothing - piled in a puddle outside my front door.

They had previously been living crammed together in one of the tiny, windowless rooms that line our alleyway.

Apparently our landlord (the same tough old lady owns a bunch of the housing around here) decided that their drunken arguments were too much to put up with. So mother, father, and four kids ranging from ages 1 to 12 were thrown out on the street. They were gone before I even realized it.

A bleak existence just became bleaker.

But here's the dilemma. There's no doubt that the mother's relentless drinking and fighting contributed to the situation they now find themselves in. She was hard to like and even harder to help. She neglected her kids in order to sit drinking and playing cards with the neighbors. She would scream at her daughters when they forgot to cook the rice or wash the clothes, while she sat around doing nothing.

So, why should I help her? Read More

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