
Monday, April 19, 2021

Why Discipleship Can’t Happen in Your Church Without Relationships

More and more Americans are concluding they don’t need church. One of the key reasons is that more and more churchgoers are concluding that they don’t need each other.

Today, two-thirds (65%) of churchgoers agree they can walk with God without other believers. If those who go to church do not value the relationships at church enough to see them as essential, then how can the church communicate to our disinterested neighbors why church matters?

In our efforts to make the gospel personal we have short-changed the corporate aspects. We frequently use a phrase not found in Scripture to describe our “personal relationships with Jesus Christ” and fail to emphasize the phrases that are in Scripture calling us to “be one” and to “love one another.”

It’s true that none of us is a follower of Christ unless we personally, individually accepted God’s gift of salvation through faith by His grace. But as a follower of Christ, have we fully grasped God’s plan for us to follow Him in community with other believers?

Jesus wanted His followers’ orientation to be pointed toward one another. Read More

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