
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

3 Solutions to the Most Common Evangelism Obstacles

When people find a great new restaurant, golf course, retail store, or ice cream shop, they will go to great lengths to let others know about their discovery. Word-of-mouth advertising takes over and things can go viral. You’ve seen it happen, I know.

One of the primary purposes we have as Christians is to share the good news of Jesus with others. The Great Commission is clear: We are to make disciples, and that process takes place when we introduce people to Jesus’ redemptive work on their behalf.

Lifeway Research found that more than half (55%) of Protestant churchgoers say they haven’t shared their faith with anyone in the past six months. A majority of churchgoers (56%) say they pray for opportunities to tell others about Jesus at least once a week, with 23% praying for such moments every day. More than a quarter (27%) say they rarely or never pray for those opportunities.

Many believers don’t step out in faith and share what they’ve discovered about Jesus for a number of reasons. As a leader, you can help them share the Good News. Here are three reasons why people don’t share their faith, and solutions to help them tell others about the most important message in the world.... Read More

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