
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Context of The Great Commission is a Miracle

As the saying goes, “familiarity breeds contempt.” The more accustomed we are to someone or something, the easier it is for us to be unimpressed. We can even become cynical.

This can even happen for Christians when we think about the Great Commission. Most people who have been following Jesus for more than 5 minutes know about this passage in Matthew 28:19–21. Jesus deputizes his disciples to make disciples of all nations and teaching them to obey everything he commanded them. This is why churches prioritize missions, equipping, church planting, and revitalization work.

But an honest conversation reveals degrees of discouragement, apathy, and inactivity in this area. Why? I think part of the reason is, we’re so familiar with the Great Commission that we may be overlooking something massively important about it. Read More

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