
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

31 Roles and Responsibilities For Teens

I like a busy youth ministry. I like when kids come in and have a job; that’s why I don’t do everything. I leave things undone on purpose so kids will have something to do when they get to the church.

I believe in the economy of youth ministry. Youth Ministries are like small cities. When people are working and invested there is less crime, less blight, and less vandalism. Same is true for our ministries. More kids who serve weekly or monthly there are less complaints, less griping, less boredom, and more vision.

Here are some roles I have given out over the years. Some were a natural part of my youth ministry and some I created because I had students gifted in that area. By the way, nothing on this list is sacred or proprietary. If you can do it a student can do it with a little training and mentoring. Read More

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