
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

5 Keys to Sharing Jesus in a Post-Christian Culture

I once gathered with a group of new acquaintances to discuss the rich meaning of a French word bonheur, which conveys happiness, joy, and a deep sense of contentment. We shared our ideas, discussing the role that religion, friends, and family play in our happiness and peace. We debated, we laughed, and some shared personal stories in tears, while others simply shrugged and declared bonheur to be an impossibility in this life. Then, late into the night, we broke for a sort of intermission.

I’d been welcomed into this group as an American in France, a new resident who enjoys philosophical discussions. During the pause in the discussion, the questions came quickly: Who are you? What do you do? What is a Baptist pastor? What do evangelical Christians believe?

Suddenly the room became quiet as all eleven people waited for me to respond. I shared about the life of Jesus and his death on a cross. Then an older gentleman in the group jumped in with where he thought my story was going: “to save us!” Read More

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