
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

It's Wednesday: 'Why Do Some Churchgoers Stick with Bad Pastors?' and More

Most pastors work hard, love their churches, and would sacrifice their lives for the people they lead. If you are reading this article for ways to get back at your pastor, then it’s likely you’re the problem, not your pastor. But there are some bad pastors out there. Why do people stay with them?
Some churches will stick with a bad pastor because they have never had a good one. They do not know the difference between a good pastor and a bad pastor. Other churches will stick with a bad pastor because he is one of them: He belongs to the same tribe as the church members and shares their cultural, political, and theological views.
Why Does God Sometimes Not Answer Prayer?
Prayer is an act of worship that springs from trust in a personal God who wants us to take Him at His word. It is an act of familial intimacy, and the main thing that can break our intimacy with God is sin. Disobedience is one reason why God may not respond to our prayers.

Why You Can’t Love Jesus and Condone Immorality
What then does it mean for Christians to claim that immorality is morally acceptable? Does it mean they are not saved? Does it mean they are not Christian?

SBC Pastor’s Daughter: This Is Why Young People Are Leaving the SBC
Abby Duren, the 25-year-old daughter of a Southern Baptist preacher who attended Southern Baptist churches for most of her life, does not believe that online infighting is the main reason why Millennials and Gen Zers are not interested in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Duren shared her views in response to a series of tweets from Jimmy Scroggins, pastor of Family Church in South Florida.

United Methodist Church to Add ‘Non-Binary’ As a Gender Option on Forms
During a meeting last week, an administrative board of the United Methodist Church (UMC) voted to include “non-binary” as a third gender category on statistical forms used in U.S. churches. By a 17-1 margin, members of the denomination’s General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) decided to list a non-binary option starting with the 2021 collection year.

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