
Monday, June 21, 2021

It's Monday: 5 Confessions of a Pastor about Online Church Attendance and More

Chamomile Tea

For over a year now, your church has been offering online services either for the first time or in a much more intentional way. Ever wonder what it’s like on the other side of the screen?

Seven Ways to Thank Donors to the Church without Knowing Their Identities
Nonprofits that aren’t churches can have a significant advantage over churches in donor development. Almost every leader of a nonprofit that isn’t a church knows precisely what everyone gives. He or she can then thank them personally and appeal to them in the future. But what do church leaders do if they do not have access to giving records?

The Narcissism of Worship My Way
We are created in God’s image, not God in ours. When we worship we must acknowledge that we aren’t starting the conversation. Instead, God began the dialogue and is inviting us to join it.

4 (Possible) Reasons for Unanswered Prayer
Need encouragement to pray? John Calvin once said that “Nothing is better adapted to excite us to prayer than a full conviction that we shall be heard.”

3 Reasons Your Group Bible Studies Should be Ongoing
There is great value in providing Bible study groups with ongoing studies. Here are just three of the better reasons for making this kind of investment in people and groups....

This Week’s Free eBook: ‘Blind Spots’
Need a good book for your summer vacation? We’ve got you covered. This summer we are giving away a free eBook every week, for 12 weeks. This week (June 21 to June 27) our book giveaway is Blind Spots Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church by Collin Hansen.

The Power of Reviling and the Response of the Gospel
I am convinced that the single biggest thing that keeps Christians in the West from being open about their faith is the specter of being reviled. Reviling is when someone says something false and damaging against you.

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