
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Sharing the Gospel in Times of Crisis

Over the past year and a half, we’ve faced a lot of challenges, and there are still many more to come. We always need to ask ourselves how we should share the gospel in times of crisis.

The Gospel Remains Our Priority

I’m an integral prioritist, and I’d like to encourage you to be one as well.

For the believer, the gospel is always a central priority. Jesus’ final instructions to the church were to go and make disciples. To frame how sharing the gospel connects with serving the hurting, I’ve begun to explain that I am an “integral prioritist”: I believe in integral mission—that this mission involves both word and deed. Put another way, I believe both caring for people and proclaiming the gospel matter. But I also know how easy it is to lose our focus on proclaiming the good news, and that loss can be magnified when crisis strikes. Hence the need for making evangelism a priority.

There is no question biblically we should be sharing Christ; the Great Commission is not the Great Suggestion. There’s also no question biblically that we should lovingly care for the needs of those in a crisis. The Great Commandment is not the Great Selection; we don’t get to pick and choose who we love and when we love. So, how do we prioritize the two? Read More

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