
Thursday, September 09, 2021

It's Thursday: 'How the Neighborhood Church Could Make a Comeback' and More

Most churches have been small. Large churches and very large churches are the anomoly. In this century the focus may not be on growing larger churches but healthier small churches.

Five Ways to Enjoy Your Community to Reach Your Community I watchede one small church shrivel up to the point that closing its doors is in its near future. Why? Most of its remaining members do not live in the community where the church building is located and have no connection with that community. The few memebers who live in the community are not involved in the community. When the church closes its doors, next to no one is going to miss it.

How Do We Show Kindness to Our Enemies?
Jesus taught us to love our enemies, but how many American Christians follow Jesus' teaching?

Two Decades after 9/11, Muslim Americans Still Fighting Bias
20 years after 9/11 Muslim Americans face an ongoing struggle against the stereotype that all Muslims are radical Islamists bent on waging holy war on the United States. Based upon the flurry of "Remember 9/11" posts on Facebook, some of their fellow Americans are intent on seeing them that way. 

Your Brain Is Tricking You While You Try to Fight for Justice
In her book, Communicate for Change, Genelle Aldred draws to our attention that our methods of communication, our very way of thinking, has not caught up with a nuance-filled world.

Is Jesus an Impossible Mentor?
A disciple actively emulates the life and teaching of his master, or teacher. Jesus may set a high standard but what matters to God is that we make a genuine effort to follow Jesus' teaching and example. To help us, God gives us the Holy Spirit and his enabling grace. As Jesus himself said, “Humanly speaking it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

Kids Ministry Relaunch: Ready. Reset. Go!
With a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus across the United States, parents and schools divided over face masks and other public health measures, politicians exploiting the divisions for their own ends, Christians involved in children's ministry are facing new challenges.

Can Worship Song Slides Reveal Your Theology?
Do not underestimate the power of a well put together worship slide.

Christians Don’t Share Faith With Unchurched Friends
Are you telling your unchurched friends about how you became a Christian or why they should think about become a Christian too?

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