
Wednesday, September 08, 2021

It's Wednesday: 'God Always Has Good Things Coming For You' and More

Whatever is happening in our lives, God will bring good out of it. God does not intend us harm but only good. In trusting in Jesus, we are trusting in God's goodness toward us.

Expect No Ethnic Majority in 2065 America. How Can Churches Fight Fear and Embrace Diversity Now?
The United States is becoming more diverse. It is something with which we all must come to terms. It is not helpful when we adopt a mindset that blames the nation's increasing diversity for its problems. It is far better for us to embrace its growing diversity, recognizing that diversity has an upside as well as a downside. It is not entirely negative as those who blame the nation's problems on its increasing diversity would have us believe.

6 Ways for the Church to Have More Effect on Society
One of the reasons that the church's influence has diminished in our society is that we are no longer think and behave like disciples of Jesus. We have replaced Jesus with someone else and his teaching and example with something else, covering these substitutes with a veneer of religiosity. If we genuinely want to be a positive influence in our society, we need to return to Jesus and what he taught and exemplified. Otherwise we are no different from the rest of the world.

How Should We Pray When We Suffer?
Veneetha Rendall Risner warns us against the spiritual danger of resignation,which can be deadly. Rather than give up, she urges us to become more determined and relentless in our prayer.

Which Methods of Personal Communication Work Best in the Church? Phone Call, Email, Text, and Social Media
I learned the hard way that different methods of personal communication work better in different situations.

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