
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Praying for Others; Loving Them through Prayer

I don’t have a fixed prayer time. I usually pray throughout the day and late in the evening, at the close of the day. I pray for those who have asked me for my prayers, for those for whom my prayers have been asked by others, for those who are dear to me, for the concerns of the day, and for various other concerns that I have carried forward from the time I first began to pray for them.

I believe that praying for someone is one of the ways that we express our love for them. Circumstances may not permit us from giving them a hug or saying, “I love you!” However, we can pray for them, and we can pour our love for them into our prayer.

I pray that God will keep them in his loving protection and care, that he will guard them from all evil and defend them from all harm, that he will fill their lives with an abundance of his grace, giving them the will and the power to love him, to love others, and to grow in their love of God and their love of others.

I pray that God will show them in every way that they are dearly loved and treasured by him, and that God will open their hearts and minds to his love for them.

I pray that God will not let anything bad happen to them in any way. I pray that God will let them know I love them and care about them.

If for any reason we may have become estranged, I pray that God will make things right between us. God will heal our broken relationship.

I seek always to pray in alignment with what I believe is God’s will, based on what I understand Jesus to have taught and exemplified and what the apostles echoed in their writings.

I endeavor to hold nothing back from God—my thoughts, my desires, my hopes, my dreams, my fears, the disappointments, my heartaches, my sorrows, and even my wildest fantasies.

There is nothing we can hide from God. God knows what is on our hearts and our minds.

God is also our truest friend, the one with whom we can share everything about ourselves, the one with whom we need not make any pretenses. Like a true friend, he wants to hear from us what is going on in our lives even though he is with us every moment of lives.

We may not always feel God’s presence when we pray. But God never leaves our side. Others may desert us, but God will never abandon us. He is faithful and true.

Both Jesus and the apostle Paul taught that we should be imitators of God as his beloved children. 

“As children copy their fathers you, as God’s children, are to copy him. Live your lives in love—the same sort of love which Christ gives us and which he perfectly expressed when he gave himself up for us in sacrifice to God” (Ephesians 5:1-2 Phillips). 

God is steadfast and unwavering in his love. Praying for someone whom we dearly love and treasure as God does us is one way we can show our love for them as God shows his love for us. God loves us without reservation. As God’s children, we copy our Father and love them the same way too.

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