
Friday, October 29, 2021

It's Friday: 'Why Are Church People so Mean – 8 Reasons' and More

Why Are Church People so Mean – 8 Reasons
This is a repost. I first posted the article when it originally appeared on Chuck Lawless' blog. Many people who identify themselves as Christians do act unkindly toward other people. They have not received adequate instruction in Jesus' teaching and example, much less internalized his teaching and example. Whether they can be rightfully viewed as followers of Jesus is open to question.

How Do We “Make Disciples” for Creation Care?
God gave Adam the task of tending and caring for the garden in which God had placed him. Regrettably we are apt to interpret God'act of giving us dominion over the earth to mean that we have ownership of the earth. God owns the earth. We are only his stewards.

Should Christians Participate in the Day of the Dead? The Day of the Dead is not a Hispanic version of Halloween. It is a native American festival that the Catholic Church tolerated. A number of the practice are not really compatible with Christianity. It one thing to rememember the dead, it is another to make offerings to them.

Growing in Godliness One Step at a Time
Our spiritual growth is a slow process, but God's grace is working in us to sanctify and perfect us.It is not something we do by our own efforts.

What If Thoughts Can Be Evil?
We have de-supernaturalized everything to the point that we may be unable to recognize when the spiritual forces of evil working in the world may be influencing us, directly or indirectly, through other people.

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