
Friday, December 10, 2021

It's Friday: 'Incarnation' and More

What God did at Christmas. The enfleshment of God. Divine condescension to humanity through Mary’s womb. Transcendence upended by what happens in Jesus. The lengths God is willing to go to have us.

‘No Room in the Inn’ Was Good News
The story of the Bethlehem hostel means Christ keeps company with pilgrims, not emperors.

Gen Z Is Looking for Meaning This Holiday Season, But Maybe Not Where We Expect
Three ways to spend quality time with young people at this time of year.

Want to Grow the Church? Understand Your Cultural Soil
In order to effectively plant and spread the gospel in today’s communities, we must understand and cultivate the cultural soil around us.

The Jesus Lens
Many theologians believe Christology is the lens through which to read Scripture.

Does the Holy Spirit Speak New Words Today?
The idea that God has new things to say and that the Holy Spirit speaks to people outside of Scripture is a common understanding among some religious circles. This is, however, a misleading and dangerous notion. This view of the Spirit and God’s speech is one that ignores the Spirit’s own testimony through Scripture and it is one that often leads to all manner of pastoral issues.

How to Help children Grasp What Advent Means
A family devotional for the season

Insecurities, the Fear of People, Regrets, and Failure
Hiding, insecurity, not comfortable in our own skin, failure, feeling worthless or at least worth less than others, fears of rejection, past regrets that we’d prefer weren’t known—all these are features of everyday life. Left to themselves, they grow into shame and self-loathing.

Thou Shalt Not Share False Witness
Why do bad retweets come from good people?

Did COP26 Have Spiritual Implications? Yes, Says One Attendee.
Seven takeaways—plus a reminder that the global church is mobilizing on creation care.

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