
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Let Love Guide Us in the New Year: Something I Have Noticed

Honeysuckle symbolizes the bonds of love.

One conclusion that I have drawn from writing this article series is that loving others and loving one another may not be that easy. It is something to which we aspire, something that we may want very much and hope to achieve, but we face some real challenges. These challenges include how the way that we were treated as a child is affecting us as an adult.

I am not unfeeling when it comes to the struggles that people face. I am prone to write clinically in a way that appears to lack sympathy, emotion, warmth, or comfort. It may seem critical. But it is not my attention to suggest that anyone is bad or wrong.

Indeed, I believe that one of the places that we need to show kindness and care to one another the most is in the area of the challenges that each of us face. Those challenges vary with the individual. Since we are unique individuals, we each face a unique set of challenges.

We need to show compassion to each other. We need to show sympathy, understanding and care, for each other’s difficulties and to want to help each other. This is where we need to be loving toward each other in the way that God wants us to be.

It is in this place that we need to say, “We are here for you. You don’t need to go it alone. We are not perfect, and we have our hangs-ups. But we are here for you.” This may be the most important thing about love guiding us in the new year.

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