
Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day 2022 - April 22

It's about Creation Care

Today is the 52nd Earth Day since Earth Day was created to raise awareness of the effects of human activity on the environment.

The theme of this year's Earth Day is “Invest in our Planet” with a focus on encouraging individuals, businesses and world leaders to invest and switch to greener technologies and practices.

Every year, Earth Day offers people in the United States, Canada, and around the world a chance to focus on the planet and the challenges facing it. There is no dearth of issues to tackle.

Our oceans are filled with all kinds of plastic waste. A changing climate is affecting not only the diversity of animal life on the planet but sea levels, growing seasons, and the global food supply. It is producing serious droughts in some parts of the world.

We have seen in the last two years and more recently how a pandemic, a war in Ukraine, and an outbreak of avian flu can impact food production and distribution.

Climate change, if it is not addressed, will have greater consequences.

Christians have a positive role to play in environmental action as does everyone else. God has charged us with tending and caring for the planet which he has entrusted to our keeping.

The dominion that God has given us over the Earth is not license to despoil the Earth and foul it. God will one day renew the Earth but that knowledge is not reason to show indifference to how we treat our planet home in our generation.

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