
Thursday, December 29, 2022

Thurday's Catch: 'The Real Reason Churches Are in Decline" And More

What’s the problem? Why are churches of any and every stripe in such steep decline?

How To Know If Your Church Should Be Adopted by Another Church – Part 2: Why Potential Church Closures Are Becoming More Common
In the past, a severely struggling church typically only had one option: the church had to close. Now we know that many churches are being successfully adopted or acquired by another church. In this three-part series, Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton examine and discuss the process and accompanying issues of a church adoption. In this second episode, they look at the reasons church closures are becoming more common.

5 Steps Toward Purposeful Communication
With all the information that needs to be shared, and all sorts of different technologies to do that communicating, here are five steps towards purposeful communication.

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions for Children’s Ministry Leaders
The new year is upon us and it’s time to start making New Year’s resolutions. Maybe you’re planning to exercise more, eat healthier foods, or learn a new skill. Whatever resolutions you decide on for yourself, don’t forget to set some goals for your ministry! Here are our top 10 New Year’s resolution ideas for children’s ministry.

You had me until you went religious
Unconsciously, Christian ethics are deeply ingrained in our society. People advocate for concepts like being kind to our neighbours and being generous to those in need. No one is arguing with that. Yet give away that you're approaching these ideas from a 'religious' point of view and the respect stops.

Rejection: How to Keep Other People from Feeling It
Pain is a given in life. And usually when we think of pain we’re only thinking about physical pain. But social pain is just as real and perhaps more hurtful. In this post Charles Stone share what recent neuroscience has learned about social pain and some practical tips how pastors and leaders can avoid multiplying social pain in others.

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