
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Wednesday's Catch: 'Beauty in Small Places' And More

Not every church grows numerically, but they can still have a powerful impact.

How can we respond to future pandemics with wisdom?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Spanish philosopher, George Santayana's famous quotation should have been a caution as the world entered into the Covid epidemic back in December 2019. Instead, we saw a polarization of options that not only highlighted the idol of our time but also a neglect of the history of pandemics.

A Christmas Reminder: 8 Reasons Why People Aren’t Coming Back
As a secret shopper or mystery worshiper of churches around the country, Greg Atkinson has found there are some reasons that he will tell a church he would not return for a second visit and some may be news to you. Throughout this post, he looks at actions and areas every church needs to address.

“Relevance” Isn’t A Dirty Church Word
Churches close daily, leaving communities with one less faith community. More subtle than closing, churches by the thousands become irrelevant in their communities every day.

5 Strategies to Better Reach Your Unchurched Community
Growing The Church while growing as a church requires reaching the unchurched.

7 Reasons Why Pastors Get Caught in the Bubble
In his free e-book, Lord, I Am Caught in the Bubble, Chuck Lawless talk about why pastors particularly get caught in the bubble. Here are some of those reasons.
Dr. Lawless provides a link to where you can download his free e-book.
Five Leadership Resolutions for Your Church in 2023
This year, rather than making resolutions about you, make them about the people around you. Here are five areas to consider in making specific leadership resolutions that benefit your church members this year.

Do Your Sermons Impress Your Seminary but Confuse Your Church?
If you’re preaching to impress, go deep, layered, and rich. If you want people to understand and apply your message, work toward simplicity.

6 Strategies to Preach Your Best Sermon
Great content without great connection is poor communication.

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