
Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday's Catch: '9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America' And More

9 Things You Should Know About Revivals in America
Here are nine things you should know about revival and the history of revivals in America.

The Rise of the Small Church – Part 1: Attitudinal Shifts
We are seeing many smaller churches become healthier and make great strides for the gospel. In this two-part series, Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton first look at the attitudinal shifts that took place with leaders of these smaller churches on the rise.

The Rise of the Small Church – Part 2: Action Shifts
We are seeing many smaller churches become healthier and make great strides for the gospel. In this second of two parts, Thom Rainer and Mark Clifton look at the action shifts that took place with members and leaders of these smaller churches on the rise.

Five Trends We See in Churches Under 250 in Attendance
Thom Rainer and Sam Rainer discuss five trends they see in churches with under 250 in attendance.

Gen Z Faces New Challenges
pringtide Research Institute has released a new report: Navigating Injustice: A Closer Look at Race, Faith & Mental Health, drawing from a data set of 5,951 young people ages 13 to 25, 3,159 of which were BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color).

Become a No-Turning-Back Leader
There comes a time when the local church has to say there is no turning back—no turning back and reviewing the glory days. No turning back in celebrating a pastor who has long since stood in the pulpit. No turning back to programs that would not work in today’s context or neighborhood culture.

The Theology of Noticing
During the past decade, I’ve been convicted—not by flashy TikTok videos, light-up billboards, or trendy apps, but by those around me—to stop and pay attention. This realization has been instrumental in cultivating a slower pace of life and presence of mind. And, it’s a task that’s really quite simple. I call it the “theology of noticing.”

6 Elements of an Effective Sermon
When it comes to effectiveness there are only two types of sermons: Type 1. Effective, or Type 2. Ineffective. It is possible for us to get style and approach correct and still be ineffective. Let us discuss six elements of an effective sermon.

6 Steps to Improve Your Church’s Singing
Many Sunday songs were written to be performed by solo artists on Christian radio, not an untrained group of saints making a joyful noise to the Lord.
Fostering strong, enthusiastic congregational singing is something close to my heart.
Children’s Ministry Volunteer: You’re an Amazing Servant of God!
Want to uplift a children’s ministry volunteer? Share these insights to remind your kidmin helpers they’re making an eternal difference in young lives.

How much do Americans know about the faiths around them? And what helps us most to understand our neighbors’ faiths?

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